Room: GFG 04-409
Tel.: +49 (0)6131-39-25572
Fax: +49 (0)6131-39-27199
Consultation hours:
Consultation hours take place by individual arrangement digitally or in presence. If you have a request, please send me an email; we will then arrange an individual appointment.
Special responsibilities:
- Departmental student advisor with focus on mail advising (functional mail address:
- Confidential advisor for students with child(ren) (functional mail address:
- since 01/2021 research associate at the Department of Political Science (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz) (permanent)
- since 06/2008 lecturer at the Department of Political Science (Johannes Gutenberg- University Mainz) (permanent)
- 2010 Doctoral Award of the Johannes Gutenberg-University for the year 2009
- 2008 Doctorate (Dr. phil.) (summa cum laude); Topic: Social Trust. An Integration of the Sociological and the Economic theory of trust and its empirical verification.
- 2002-2008 research associate at the Department of Political Science (Johannes Gutenberg- University Mainz)
- 1996-2002 Studies at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz; Major: Political Science; Minors: Sociology and Public Law (M.A.)
Teaching and research interests
- Public policy (environmental and climate policy, governance of transformation processes, sustainability, local politics)
- Political theory (especially cooperation theory, distributive justice)
- Political sociology (attitudinal research, trust, social capital)
- Political economy (especially rational choice theory)
- Empirical (especially experimental) methods
Seminars and small groups:
- Water scarcity as a justice and governance problem (summer term 23).
- Politics in the Anthropocene (summer term 22)
- Limits to Growth (winter term 20/21)
- Trust as a resource in democracies (summer term 18)
- Social Inequality in Welfare States (summer term 17)
- Local policy-making in the face of complex challenges (winter term 16/17)
- Welfare states in the 21st century (summer term 16)
- Environmental Policy (winter term 15/16)
- Climate Policy (summer term 15)
- Politics, Economy and Society: Analyses of Interactions using the Rational Choice Approach (summer term 13)
- Policy Evaluation (winter term 12/13)
- Basic Seminar Political Theory (since winter term 21/22)
- Basic Seminar Economy and Society (2008-2021)
- Basic Seminar Comparative Politics (2002-2008)
- Small group on research methods (2017-2022, in winter term)
- Political Thinking about State and Market; Advanced Lecture on Economics and Society (summer term 19, summer term 20).
- Teacher training on "Ecological Limits of Growth"; with Anna Krekeler (chair of teaching methodology) (one-day, summer term 22)
- Reinhardt, Peter; Frings, Cornelia, 2020: Was determiniert Einstellungen zu den Folgen der Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland? Ergebnisse auf Basis des GESIS-Panels 2016, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS), Vol. 61, S. 701-724.
- Frings, Cornelia, 2010: Soziales Vertrauen. Eine Integration der ökonomischen und der soziologischen Vertrauenstheorie und deren empirische Überprüfung. Wiesbaden: VS.
- Frings, Cornelia, 2009: Der faktorielle Survey als neue Datenquelle für die Politikwissenschaft. In: Schnapp, Kai-Uwe; Behnke, Nathalie; Behnke, Joachim (Hrsg.): Datenwelten. Datenerhebung und Datenbestände in der Politikwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Nomos, S. 94-116.
- Frings, Cornelia, Kunz, Volker, 2006: Ökonomie und Ökologie. Lokale Agenda 21-Prozesse, in: Rüdiger, Robert; Konegen, Norberg (Hrsg.): Globalisierung und Lokalisierung. Zur Neubestimmung des Kommunalen in Deutschland. Münster: Waxmann, S. 151-168.