
Here you can find a list of all events organized in the context of the project.

September 5 to September 8, 2024 in Philadelphia: Panel "Conceptions of Democracy among German and American Citizens and Political Elites" at the 2024 APSA Annual Meeting


March 21 and 22, 2024 in Mainz: Workshop "Citizen Perspectives on Democracy: Aspirations, Evaluations, and Deficits"

Link to the full program


September 4 to September 8, 2023 in Prague: Section "Debating Democracy in/and Europe" at the ECPR General Conference (with Claudia Wiesner)


March 9 and 10, 2023 in Mainz: Workshop "Democratic Citizens and Political Elites: Communication, Interaction, and Congruence"

Link to the full program


July 14, 2022 in Mainz: Workshop "Procedural Consensus and Dissent: How Citizens and Elites View Democracy and Decision-Making Processes"

Link to the full program


March 1 and 2, 2022 in Frankfurt/Main: Workshop "Citizens’ Conceptions of Democracy and Political Process Preferences: State of the Art and Future Directions" (with Rikki Dean)