Julian Frinken, M.A.


Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

Department of Political Science

Jakob-Welder-Weg 12

55128 Mainz, Germany


Room: GFG 04-328

Mail: frinken@politik.uni-mainz.de

Office hours: Registration by E-Mail




since 10/2020 research associate at the Institute for Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

03/2017-09/2020 student assistant at the chair for Public Policy, Institute for Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

2016-2020 JGU Mainz: Political Economy and International Relations (M.A.)

2011-2016 JGU Mainz: Political Science with minor in Philosophy (B.A.)


Research areas

  • Deliberative democratic theory
  • Democratic Innovations
  • (Global) Climate Governance
  • Theories of political representation


PhD project: Deliberative Representation in Mini-publics

There is a controversial academic and societal debate on what roles lot-based and deliberative mini-publics, such as citizens' assemblies, can legitimately play in democratic decision making. I start from the assumption that a better understanding of how mini-publics ensure political representation can contribute to this debate. Drawing on the "representative claims framework" (Saward 2010), Gül (2019) and Ohren (2021) have already shown that the fundamental representative claim of mini-publics is a descriptive one. I argue, however, that there is always also a complementary deliberative representative claim underlying these processes. This claim relates to the participants' “acting for” the wider public. In my project, this claim is reconstructed from the practice of deliberative participation formats, before its theoretical justification and analytical utility are explored.





  • Der Bürger*innenrat im System globaler Klimapolitik: Eine Untersuchung des demokratisierenden Potenzials. Baden-Baden: Tectum, 2021.

Handbook contributions

  • Bürger:innenräte als Institutionen demokratischer Klimapolitik, in: Mitscherlich-Schönherr, Olivia/Cojocaru, Mara-Daria/Reder, Michael (Hg.): Kann das Anthropozän gelingen? Krisen und Transformationen der menschlichen Naturverhältnisse im interdisziplinären Dialog, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024).
  • (with Michael Roseneck): Ziviler Ungehorsam, in: Frühbauer, Johannes/Reder, Michael/Roseneck, Michael/Schmidt, Thomas M. (eds.) Rawls-Handbuch. Leben - Werk - Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2023.
  • (with Michael Roseneck): Forst, in: Frühbauer, Johannes/Reder, Michael/Roseneck, Michael/Schmidt, Thomas M. (eds.): Rawls-Handbuch. Leben - Werk - Wirkung. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2023.

Book Reviews


Academic Presentations

  • Deliberative Repräsentation in Mini-Publics, 30.09.2022. Gemeinsame Tagung „Rationalität und Demokratie“ der Sektion Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte und des AK Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie in der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (DVPW) in Mainz.
  • Not merely “standing for”, but also “acting for”: the concept of „deliberative representation” in minipublics, 22.06.2022. Deliberative Democracy and Public Opinion Summer School in Turku, Finland.
  • Representing “the people” through lottery? Prospects and Pitfalls of Citizens’ Assemblies, 18.05.2022. CRiSS Lecture – Contemporary Research in Social Sciences, University of Mainz.
  • (with Claudia Landwehr) Information and deliberation in the Covid-19 crisis and in the climate crisis, 09.2021. DVPW-Kongress 2021 (online).
  • Repräsentation in Mini-Publics: deskriptiv und deliberativ? 08.09.2021. Kolloquium Politische Theorie, organized by Dirk Jörke und Claudia Landwehr in Mainz.
  • (with Claudia Landwehr) Information and deliberation in the Covid-19 crisis and in the climate crisis: Why expertocratic practices undermine self-government and compliance, 01.09.2021. ECPR General Conference 2021 (online).
  • Representation in Transnational Mini-Publics: The Example of a Deliberative Global Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change, 23.06.2021. 7th Swiss Summer School on Democracy Studies (Frontiers of Democratic Innovations) (online).
  • (with Michael Roseneck) Deliberation als Kritik in der "postnationalen Konstellation". Methodologie und Anwendung, 27.11.2020. Jahrestagung "Kritik" des AK Soziologie der internationalen Beziehungen der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft in Kooperation mit dem Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung für Friedens und Konfliktforschung in Frankfurt am Main (online).
  • A Deliberative Global Citizens’ Assembly in Global Climate Governance: Exploring Legitimate Linkages to the UNFCCC Process, 25.08.2020, ECPR General Conference (online).
  • Trading democracy for effectiveness? A critique of the demand for technocratic-authoritarian climate policy from the perspective of deliberative democracy, 28.06.2018, Third Deliberative Democracy Summer School at University of Turku and Åbo Akademi in Turku, Finland.


  • Political Theory basic course (WT 2021/2022, ST 2022, WT 2022/2023)
  • Political Economy basic course (WT 2020/2021, ST 2021)