Dr. Sven Hillen


Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Department of Political Science
Unit: Political Theory and Public Policy
D-55099 Mainz

Phone: +49[0]6131 39-26596
E-Mail: hillen [at] politik.uni-mainz.de

Room: Georg-Forster-Gebäude 04-445







Curriculum Vitae

  • 2010-2016: Studies in Political Science at the University of Bremen, Graduation in Political Science (Master), Thesis: “’Making Votes Count’. The Relationship between Governing Parties, Turnout, and Welfare Benefits in OECD Countries” (Supervisor: Dr. Holger Döring)
  • 2016-2022: Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Comparative Politics
  • Since April 2022: Lecturer at the Department of Political Science at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Political Theory and Public Policy
  • August 2022: Ph.D. in Political Science at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Thesis: 'Two-dimensional political competition and the party politics of the welfare state: How voter turnout, class voting and the salience of cultural issues condition party effects on welfare state generosity' (Supervisor: Prof. Claudia Landwehr)


Research areas

  • Political Sociology, with a focus on political attitudes and behavior, elections, and parties
  • Political Economy, with a focus on the welfare state and economic inequality
  • Comparative Politics, with a focus on Western Europe



Hillen, Sven/Steiner, Nils D. (forthcoming): Rising Inequality and Public Support for Redistribution, European Journal of Political Research. https://ejpr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1475-6765.12696.

Hillen, Sven/Steiner, Nils D./Landwehr, Claudia (forthcoming): Perceptions of Policy Responsiveness: The Effects of Egocentric and Sociotropic Congruence, West European Politics. https://doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2024.2333215.

Hillen, Sven (2023): Economy or culture? How the relative salience of policy dimensions shapes partisan effects on welfare state generosity, Socio-Economic Review 21(2): 985-1005.

Steiner, Nils D./Hillen, Sven (2021): Vote Choices of Left-Authoritarians: Misperceived Congruence and Issue Salience, Electoral Studies 70: 102280.

Hillen, Sven/Steiner, Nils D. (2020): The Consequences of Supply Gaps in Two-Dimensional Policy Spaces for Voter Turnout and Political Support: The Case of Economically Left-Wing and Culturally Right-Wing Citizens in Western Europe, European Journal of Political Research 59(2): 331-353.

Steiner, Nils D./Hillen, Sven (2019): Links-autoritäre Bürger bei der Bundestagswahl 2013: Sozialstrukturelle Determinanten und Konsequenzen eines Repräsentationsdefizits für Wahlbeteiligung und Regimeunterstützung. In: Steinbrecher, Markus/Bytzek, Evelyn/Rosar, Ulrich (Hrsg.), Identität - Identifikation - Ideologie: Analysen zu politischen Einstellungen und politischem Verhalten in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 181-216.

Hillen, Sven (2018): Die Klassenzusammensetzung der Regierungswählerschaft: Soziale Klassen, Parteiendifferenz und Sozialstaatstätigkeit, Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 64(4): 399-429.

Hillen, Sven (2017): „Nur wer wählt, zählt“? Eine Analyse des Zusammenhangs von Wahlbeteiligung und arbeitsmarktbezogenen sozialen Leistungen linker Parteien in OECD-Ländern, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 58(4): 533-559. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Fritz Thyssen Preis für sozialwissenschaftliche Aufsätze (2. Platz).

I handed in a paper-based dissertation. In addition to the four published articles, it includes an introduction which is available here.